
What to expect

We’re are part of the Church of England (Anglican) within the Diocese of Guildford. We are a ‘middle of the road’ sort of church and offer a variety of worship styles from 1662 Book of Common Prayer to Contemporary Worship at TGIS. In fact, we aim to offer something for everyone. Our main services on a Sunday happen at 8am (which is always Traditional Book of Common Prayer Communion without hymns) and 10am (which uses contemporary language and involves singing).

Because we are lucky enough to have TWO parish Churches, we ‘ring the changes’ by alternating where our services are held. It’s a good idea to arrive a little early so that you can have a look around the church and have a chat with one of our welcome team who are there to greet and help you.

When you arrive the Welcome Team will give you a service booklet, hymn book (if needed) and maybe our own Parish Hymn book. The service booklet helps you to follow what’s happening. At our TGIS services, all our hymns are projected on to a wall for all to see. Just ask if you’ve got any questions. We always offer refreshments after our services – we would love you to stay and introduce yourself.

Where should I sit?

Wherever you wish within the main body of the church.   If you use a wheelchair, we will find a place for you where you will feel a part of the proceedings. We have a hearing loop if you use a hearing aid .

What should I wear?

People wear a wide range of clothes, from suits to jeans.  Generally, the best thing to wear is a smile (though clothes of some sort are advisable too), but if that’s not how you feel we’ll understand.

What do you have for children?

On the first Sunday of the month, our 10am service is particularly aimed at families with children. On the 2nd, 3rd and 5th Sundays of the month, children are welcome to attend Saints Alive (for primary aged children) or Diddy Disciples (for pre-schoolers). On the 4th Sunday of the month, we all worship together at our TGIS service.

Where can I park?

In Effingham, we have a church carpark adjoining our Church Hall, which is a few minutes’ walk along the road from St Lawrence Church. There is also some limited free parking on the road outside the church.
In Little Bookham, we have a small car park right next to the church (follow the church drive). Alternatively, on Sundays, we have permission to use Manor House School carpark which runs parallel to Manor House Lane.