General Update The hall is open and available for both regular and one-off bookings. We encourage all users to continue to take the necessary precautions to minimise the chances of transmitting Covid.
These pages contain all the information we regularly get asked for regarding planning & booking the hall including details of the facilities, the on-line calendar with current date availability etc. The hall is run by volunteers so you may be able to find out the answer to your query, more quickly if you check on here first.
The form for one-off bookings can be found below – a form and rates for regular bookings are available on request.
For enquiries and all bookings please contact:
Craig Chitty : stlchurchhallbookings@gmail.com
Hall address: Browns Lane, Effingham KT24 5NL
Postal address: St Lawrence Church Hall, c/o St Lawrence Church, Church Street, Effingham, KT24 5LX
St Lawrence Church Hall
The hall is situated on Browns Lane about 50 yards from the church and run by a volunteer committee with the following aim:
“To maintain the hall, grounds and car park to a good standard as an asset to the church without, as far as is possible, making any demands on church funds, and to provide facilities for the social and recreational needs of the local community.”
The hall is used regularly by a wide range of local groups of all ages. It is also available for hire for private events at a rate of £20 per hour. The hall takes up to 200 adults and/or children, with seating for up to 90, but we are not able to accommodate teenage parties.
There is a stage, piano, tables and chairs, crockery & cutlery as well as an attractive garden with a large grassed area and car park. Various improvements have been made over the last few years including a new kitchen, a toilet for the disabled and a completely refurbished stage. More recently wifi is now available at the hall – the connection details are shown in the hall.
Please check the hall is free on the date and time you want. This info can be found via the Hall Availability link below. To make a booking, please complete this form and email it to Craig at stlchurchhallbookings@gmail.com and make the necessary payment. Thank you.

The Bowdler Room
The Bowdler Room is the ground floor room of the vestry extension that was built in 2002 at All Saints’ Church. It is an attractive area with an oak floor, seasoned oak windows looking out across the churchyard, and an outside door onto a small patio area.
The small kitchen has a hot water boiler, a fridge, a microwave and a two ring hob. Crockery and cutlery are also available.
The furnishings includes three folding tables and 17 stacking chairs suitable for adults, a toilet for the disabled, and baby changing facilities.
At present adult French classes take place twice a week, and in the past a small playgroup has used the room.
We are keen for the room to be used by the local community. It is available for hire at a charge of £10.00 per hour.
To make a booking of the Bowdler Room, please download and complete the form below and email it to Jenny at j.peers@tiscali.co.uk and make the necessary payment. Thank you.