Church of England Safeguarding Review 2021

You may be aware that the Church of England is currently undergoing a review into the way in which it has handled historic cases of abuse against children or vulnerable adults, by those in authority (or any positions of responsibility) within the church. A ‘vulnerable adult’ can be any of us, who finds themselves the victims of abuse by others.

In many cases victims have not spoken up for fear of being disbelieved, and in some cases, when they have spoken, they have not had the understanding and support that they deserve.

The Church of England has therefore asked all parishes to publicise this review and encourage anybody who feels that they have been a victim of abuse, to come forward.

This will take great courage, but it is vital for the future of the church, that abuse is acknowledged and repented of. It is even more vital for the well-being of the victims, that they are believed and given a voice.

Therefore I am asking all our current congregation (and others who live in our parish), whether they have any knowledge of abusive situations caused by people who have been in authority within our parish, no matter how long ago the incident occurred. You may not have been the victim yourself, but may have known of an abusive situation, directed at others.

If you have anything to report please speak to our Parish Safeguarding Officer: Andrew Gallini (07857 352462) in the first instance. We promise that we will take your report seriously and treat our conversations confidentially.

You may also contact the Diocesan Safeguarding Advisor, Jackie Broadfoot on 01483790329 or 07918 559387 or by email:

Current Safeguarding in our parish – who’s who?

Q. Who should I speak to if I have safeguarding concerns relating to ‘Effingham with Little Bookham’ Parish?

A. The Parish Safeguarding Officer: Mr Andrew Gallini on 07857 352462


Other Parish Officers:

The incumbent: 

  • Revd. Phil Barlow  07715 496305

The churchwardens:

  • Caroline Hill 07973 529025
  • Victoria Bowers 07454 765419

Parish employed staff:

  • Parish Administrator  – Ili Rodic 01372 451697

St Lawrence Church Hall:

  • Ili Rodic – Bookings –

Children’s work and ‘adults-at-risk’ overseer:

  • TBC